Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you provide in-person or online appointments?

A: I see a very limited number of individuals for 1-on-1 spiritual services, astrology readings, VIP packages and consultations - these meetings are conducted via Zoom, FaceTime, or telephone. Some clients prefer the visual of face-to-face and others prefer to meet via phone. I am always happy to accommodate the preference of the client and also offer pre-recorded sessions for many services and offerings. 

I am not providing any in-person services currently. As of April 2020 I have fully transitioned to remote/virtual services only.

Please note all services provided via this website are solely for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, assess, or treat any medical or psychiatric ailments of any kind. 


Please see the Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms & Conditions for more information regarding what this site offers and does not offer. 


As some areas of the country and the world are full of closed minded people who do not innerstand the art and spiritual practice of astrology, certain places require the following Disclaimer:

Therefore this is a legal requirement and disclaimer for and on this site.

In accordance with the laws I must state that all readings whether in person, written, phone, or recorded Audio/Video are for entertainment purposes only, no guarantee can be given or is given or should be assumed for or about the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Your choices are yours to make.

This site does not provide any legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. 

***Please note: my private practice work in the field of mental health is completely separate from this website and the services and products I offer within. The services and products offered on this site: are NOT a substitute for medical or mental health treatment of any kind.
If you are in need of medical or mental health treatment please contact your local provider or primary care physician. 

My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with the terms of this Disclaimer.

My service is only to provide astrological information, to aid in spiritual transformation, helping you better innerstand your soul and your soul mission.

No Refunds or Exchanges


All services and booking information is available on my website: or
by visiting the link in my bio on IG: @thestarseedsanctuary

Q: If I have questions or concerns how do I get in touch with you?

A: You can email me at: or
book a phone consultation appointment on my website:

I respond to emails and calls generally within 24 -48 hours.

Q: What are Starseeds?

A: Starseeds are highly evolved, gifted, old souls who originate from the universe, various star systems, planets, or faraway galaxies. Starseeds have taken human form here on Earth, not knowing their true origin, as many of us forget our soul's true home when we enter the third dimensional density. Starseeds have a special purpose or soul mission, unique to each of them.

Starseed souls are highly sensitive, may identify as HSPs or empaths, often have extrasensory abilities (intuitive, psychic gifts or abilities) and have a special affinity for the stars and all things cosmic. Starseeds often don't feel like Earth is their home and many of us can even feel "homesick" at times for a home we are unsure of in the outer realms of the galaxies. 

If you found me and my website or have been following me on social media for a while, you are most likely a Starseed. Like attracts like. Most of my clients (at least 90%) are empaths, lightworkers (fellow healers), and/or Starseeds – while many estimates say that these groups only make up 15-20% of the general population on Earth. This is truly my passion and purpose here – helping you find yours!

If you’d like to learn more about Starseeds or discover your Starseed Origins check out the free guide on my website or book your Galactic Blueprint report now! Available in the online store ;-)

Can't find your answers?

Contact Us via email

Thank you!